Computer Vision Training in Manlius and Syracuse, NY

Computers & Vision Training in Manlius and Syracuse, NY

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Electronic devices with digital screens are seemingly all around us whether at work, at home, or out and about. Too much exposure can do more harm than good. Digital screens can threaten several components of our health, including vision.

To minimize these adverse effects, Savedoff, Ciccone & Davis, Doctors of Optometry, P.C., provides computer vision training and solutions to patients at our eye care centers in Manlius and Syracuse, NY. Our doctors analyze a patient’s individual computer demands and workstation ergonomics to arrive at an optimum computer prescription or other vision-related recommendations for computer use. Discover more about our eye care services and how they may be the key to making computer-related work less stressful, more comfortable, and more productive.

Protect Your Vision: Understanding Blue Light

Computer screens, smartphones, tablets, fluorescent bulbs—blue light is all around, and the sun is actually the largest source of it. Some of it is helpful, like Beneficial Blue Light (which is blue turquoise and defined as 465-495 nm on the light spectrum), which helps regulate the sleep cycle, your mood, and cognitive performances.

However, long-term and continuous exposure to Harmful Blue Light (or blue-violet light) can contribute to long-term damage of your eyes. Those at highest risk are people with a family history or exhibiting signs of AMD, and working professionals, children, teens, and gamers.


Crizal Prevencia lenses reduce exposure to Harmful Blue Light while still allowing beneficial blue-turquoise light to pass through. Plus, they provide all the benefits of no-glare lenses. Help protect your eyes from blue-violet light with Crizal Prevencia lenses.

Did you know that 30% of adults spend more than nine hours of their day using digital devices? Seemingly, everyone uses a computer, smartphone, tablet, or some other type of digital device, including children. As these devices improve our lives in several ways, it can be easy to forget the threat that comes with them — blue light.

Not all blue light is bad for you. Rather, some of it is helpful. Beneficial blue light (which is blue-turquoise and defined as 465-495 nm on the light spectrum) helps regulate sleep cycle, mood, and cognitive performances.

However, long-term and continuous exposure to harmful blue light, or blue-violet light, can lead to computer vision syndrome, which contributes to numerous negative effects, including:

  • Eye damage: Prolonged exposure to blue light can damage retinal cells, often resulting in vision problems. Blue light can also contribute to cataracts, eye cancer, and growths on the eye’s surface.
  • Digital eye strain: The blue light from digital devices can decrease contrast, causing sore or irritated eyes and trouble focusing.
  • Sleep disruptions: Exposure to blue light at night can slow down the production of melatonin, the hormone that aids in relaxation and helps the body prepare for sleep.

People at the highest risk for blue light-related complications are those with a family history or exhibiting signs of age-related macular degenerations (AMD), and working professionals, children, teens, and online gamers. These individuals can benefit from eyeglasses with blue light filter coating and in some cases a separate dedicated pair of computer eyeglasses set for a patient’s specific screen working distance.

About Our Services

Savedoff, Ciccone & Davis, Doctors of Optometry, P.C., offers patients a wide range of solutions to minimize the adverse effects of blue light exposure, including blue light protective lenses. These lenses reduce exposure to harmful blue light while allowing beneficial blue-turquoise light to pass through. Plus, they provide all the benefits of no-glare lenses.

Our computer vision services may include vision therapy. Doctors may recommend vision therapy to strengthen the connection between the eyes and the brain. Patients will perform specific exercises under the supervision of our trained eye specialists to remediate deficiencies caused by too much exposure to digital screens, such as eye movement, eye focusing, and eye teaming. These exercises are designed to reinforce the eye-brain connection. 

Additionally, our vision solutions involve taking an in-depth look at a person’s computer setup to determine other corrective measures. Our doctors take into consideration the following factors:

Reading distance 

Computer monitors are often placed 20 to 26 inches away from the user. The intermediate computer monitor distance requires an entirely different prescription than a conventional reading prescription.

Bifocals and trifocals field of view 

An individualized computer eyeglass prescription may provide a much larger field of view than most bifocal or trifocal designs.

Gaze behavior 

Computer demands often involve near tasks in a down gaze (the keyboard or reference text), as well as the unique computer-related intermediate demands of a straight-ahead gaze.

Monitor coatings 

Computer monitors can create uncomfortable glare and contrast conditions.

Break time 

Proper visual hygiene can improve visual comfort and performance by taking a short break (15 minutes) every two hours.


Computer workstations should be set up to avoid glare and reflections from windows and other sources of illumination.

Blink rate 

Computer contrast demands often lead patients to stare at the computer monitor, leading to a dehydration of the tear layer resulting in red, dry, burning eyes. Frequent voluntary blinking can reduce these effects. Tear replacement eyedrops may be indicated.

Schedule an Appointment for Computer Vision Training Today

Computers themselves are not damaging to the eyes and visual system, but they create visual demands that can lead to a decline in visual performance and comfort. The optometry team at Savedoff, Ciccone & Davis, Doctors of Optometry, P.C., works closely with patients in Manlius and Syracuse, NY, to determine the most effective solutions and ensure our vision services meet their needs. Our services include correcting computer-related eye problems. Our approach includes corrective lenses, workstation ergonomic recommendations, and vision therapy if necessary. Contact our offices today to schedule an appointment with our board-certified optometrists.

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